“The Lord Jesus Christ . . . gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.”

Galatians 1:4

The fears of dehumanizing despotism once considered the exaggerated musings of a dystopian imagination are now becoming a reality as progressive leftists make good on their commitment to fundamentally transform America. They have successfully divided America into oppressors and the oppressed—the primary strategy of cultural Marxism that has given rise to the unforgiving woke cult that demands full allegiance. As a result, identity politics and victimhood determine policies, free speech is being eliminated, public schools have become centers for indoctrination, and the FBI and DOJ have been weaponized to carry out the agenda of corrupt politicians.

With the crippling effects of inflation, the unprecedented number of illegals crossing our non-existent borders, skyrocketing crime, illegal drug addiction, depression, and suicides, you would think citizens would demand change. Although many are, most are mindlessly indifferent. Even though every social, moral, and economic indicator points to the utter ruin of our country, the priority of the left includes absurdities like climate change, so-called white supremacy, DEI, racial reparations, abortion on demand, adherence to coronavirus groupthink, transgenderism, and unquestioned allegiance to LGBTQ+ ideologies. The enormous amount of human feces polluting the streets of leftist cities is a fitting metaphor of the Orwellian utopia they envision.

That American citizens—especially evangelical Christians—cannot see the evils of Wokism threatening to destroy our country is a testament to the supernatural forces behind it. The left’s never-ending obsession with social justice and redeeming what they consider to be marginalized people groups—no matter how statistically rare they might be, like transgenders that make up less than one percent of the population—should be a clue that something nefarious is at play. The draconian control of society through propaganda, surveillance, disinformation, and gaslighting—implemented by big tech and the media—point to a frightening totalitarianism that will destroy our free and open society and eliminate Christianity outright. Their plan is simple: legalize unrighteousness and criminalize righteousness, then prosecute those who refuse to obey.

With such alarming trends, you would think every pastor and church leader in America would be sounding the alarm. Instead, the sound of silence is deafening. We are moving toward a totalitarian state that cannot co-exist with biblical Christianity. But like the protestant churches in Germany that tried to stay neutral toward Hitler’s National Socialism in the 1930s, evangelicals—including many clergymen—are ashamed of the gospel and refuse to fight lies with truth. Many today are no different than most of the German Protestants who believed the Nazi propaganda poster from 1933 with Luther’s picture superimposed over a swastika that read: “Hitler’s fight and Luther’s teaching are the best defense for the German people.” Nothing could have been further from the truth.

The pulpit is no place for cowards, charlatans, entrepreneurs, or entertainers. And it is crucial for every minister of the gospel to remember that his service is rendered in the sight of God and as such he is exhorted to “keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Tim. 6:13-14). He is to be fearless and faithful to the revealed Word of God, as Paul charged Timothy, knowing that Christ will return and judge him accordingly. Christ Himself will one day evaluate the character and conduct of every believer, but there will be a stricter judgment for those He called to function in a teaching and preaching capacity (James 3:1). However, His reward will be great for those who were “not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” but were willing to “(suffer) for the gospel according to the power of God” (2 Tim. 1:8).

May our fearless and faithful proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ—the only God-ordained and God-empowered source of salvation—rescue many from this present evil age.





Twin Evils